nursing school

What Are the Laws Regarding Reporting Substance Abuse During Pregnancy?

Question by ~Christina~: What are the laws regarding reporting substance abuse during pregnancy?
I am in nursing school and one of my classes is called Family and Interpersonal Violence. I am doing a research paper about Abuse of the Unborn: Substance Abuse During Pregnancy. I have found a lot of useful information about the prevelance, effects drugs/alcohol on the baby, and getting help for those women. I am trying to determine if there are laws (I live in Florida) that say it is illegal for substance abuse during pregnancy or if there are laws that mandate health care providers to report this issue to DCF.

What Aid Is Available for a Single Mother Who Is Suffering From Domestic Abuse?

Question by : What aid is available for a single mother who is suffering from domestic abuse?
Hi, I live in the Kansas City area and am currently in a abusive relationship with the father of my 10 month old child. I am completely dependent on him financially. I have been applying to jobs, and haven’t been able to land one. My plan is as soon as the lease is up (next month) I will go to a shelter since I have been unable to find work. I was thinking of going to Nursing School. I have been researching what type of resources are available for somebody in my situation. I haven’t been able to find a lot.