Michigan! Unwed Mum With Son Born in Canada / but Given the Right to U.S. Citizenship, Passport / DAD THREATS?

Question by Daisy Patch: Michigan! Unwed Mum with son born in Canada / but given the right to U.S. citizenship, Passport / DAD THREATS?
i am a unwed mummy, whom gave birth to a wee boy in canada, this was three years ago. present day i left canada and back to my moms in michigan, my son and i were in danger from father as he has drug addiction, the father is a uk citizen name on birth certificate, my son carries his last name. the father gave me notarized papers in order to get my sons american passport and citizenship, the dad is not allowed in states, thought he was one day but no i never persued it as it was a danger to my son. my question is what right i have as he threatening me to call cops and say i kidnapped my son!?! no i was protecting us. do you think its a bluff for drug money? do i have the rights in michigan to have my son. the father is a uk citizen he will be deported if he calls cops!!!! he has been in country over three years on just passport! help someone i may be missing info please just help!

Best answer:

Answer by saved_by_grace
If you are an American citizen then I suggest you hire a good family practice attorney and get sole custody of your child.

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Drug Abuse – Promotional piece acknowledging the aftermath that drug abuse causes. Remember, it’s not about ”drug use” this is about ”drug abuse” . drug•a•buse: (n) When using drugs becomes a cycle. re•cov•er•y: (n) Obtain something that has not been lost. There are people out in this world who truly care and want to help. The road to recovery is waiting. music credit to Hans Zimmer for the use of “Time” Soundtrack from the movie Perception


Pending Substance Abuse Bill in Michigan Seeks for Forced Institutionalization

Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan

John Walsh (R-Livonia) introduced the House Bill 5689 on May 29, 2012 to help not only drug addicts, but also families and friends of those affected by addiction. The bill is designed to authorize and establish criteria and procedures for a court to …
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