Are There Any Free Drug Rehab Centers in the State of California?

Question by : Are there any free drug rehab centers in the state of California?
Are there any free drug rehab centers in the state of California? Note: It needs to accept males to at least 25 years of age, not just teenagers. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Erica
Hello, there are few free rehabs. But there are places like Hope by the Sea and Phoenix House that work with you and offer low cost treatment. I would recommend investing in treatment though, it can save you life and your life is worth lot! If you have insurance you can go to top notch places like Cottonwood

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Free drug rehab centers Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment – free drug rehab article at One of the mistakes that people that need drug and alcohol rehab sometimes make is that they don’t realize that no insurance drug rehab services do in fact exist. There are many ways to get free drug rehab or affordable drug rehab but people do not know how to go about looking for it. I started this site specifically to talk about how to find drug rehab with no insurance and that is the topic of this article.


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