Whitney Houston Died of a Drug Overdose at Age 48


Whitney Houston Died of a Drug Overdose at age 48 – UPDATE Bottles of prescription drugs were found in the Beverly Hills Hilton hotel room where Whitney Houston’s lifeless body was discovered Saturday afternoon just hours before a huge Grammy party she was to attend, a report says. Police discovered “various pill bottles” in Houston’s room, TMZ reported, adding that family members said Houston had been taking the prescription drug Xanax, which is often used to treat anxiety. When combined with alcohol, Xanax can cause drowsiness. Houston was reportedly found in her bathtub — TMZ says her head was underwater — and could not be revived by paramedics after being removed from the tub. No alcohol was found in the preliminary sweep of Houston’s room, TMZ reports, but there were multiple reports that Houston had been drinking with friends the night before at the hotel. Source www.foxnews.com ORIGINAL REPORT Whitney Houston was found dead in the Beverly Hills hotel by Ray J. Prescription drugs were found in the hotel room but no illegal drugs have been discovered in the Beverly Hills hotel room where Whitney Houston, 48, died, TMZ has revealed. The autospy will determine whether Houston overdosed, drowned or died from some other cause, TMZ sources revealed. It is believed Houston’s body was removed from the bathtub before emergency workers arrived at her hotel room. Emergency services were called to the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills by a member of the pop star’s entourage at 3:23pm local time yesterday and arrived two


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