drug addicts

Addiction- Drug Deaths or Stories?

Question by : Addiction- drug deaths or stories?
Need some help with my addiction issues- feel that personal stories or death statistics might help me out.
All answers welcome- I’m pretty desperate.
Yes, I go to meetings.
Thanks in advance.
please help me before its too late.

Best answer:

Answer by Sy K
I know you don’t see it but almost all people who commit serious crime, murder, rape, kidnapping, violent crime, muggings knife & gun crime & probably many other sorts all of them used drugs

Drug Counseling Services at 449 Recovery Drug Rehab Center San Clemente Orange County

Drug Counseling services at 449 Recovery Drug Rehab Center San Clemente Orange County — Counseling Programs at the drug rehab center in South Orange county offer drug addicts a real chance for sober living. The san Clemente based drug and alcoho…

I Have a Heroin Addiction and I Do Not Want to Be Dependant on Medication, What Are My Options?

Question by Nain: I have a heroin addiction and I do not want to be dependant on medication, what are my options?

Best answer:

Answer by Jonny
Check yourself into a center.

Answer by Lynn K
Rehab that promotes no step down (this can be dangerous if you’ve been an addict for a long while. Going cold-turkey will likely put your body in a state of shock, so please do not do this somewhere where a doctor is not present).

Go to Canada and get Ibogaine treatment ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibogaine ) and psychological treament for the non-chemical dependency that will be left over.

Is There Such Thing as a “Weekend Pass” for a Drug Treatment Center?

Question by bradpast: Is there such thing as a “Weekend Pass” for a Drug Treatment Center?
My friend called me after spending a week and a half in a drug treatment center and he tells me that he is out for the weekend. He says they gave him a ‘Weekend Pass’ for having a month of sobriety, when I know for sure that he was using right before he left for the center… Trust him???

Best answer:

Answer by Ron
I’m a recovered alcoholic who went into a drug/alcohol rehab centre in 2006, first of all alcoholics and drug addicts are the world’s best liars, and I think it’s extremely unlikely.

Helping the Homeless in Cincinnati ?

Question by niblzz: Helping the Homeless in Cincinnati ?

This Christmas i am planning on helping out homeless around Cincinnati. I plan on making small goodies bags and distributing them to the homeless. Can anyone tell me where i can find them ( homeless) ? Also if any one would like to join me please feel free to E-mail me. I was inspire by a little Angel called Brendan Foster who died from leukemia. For more info on him you can Google him. I will really appreciate if you guys can join me.

Thanks and hope to hear from you soon

Dana’s Poem for Families of Drug Addicts

Dana’s Poem for Families of Drug Addicts — Dana wrote and reads a powerful poem her family’s struggle with her son’s addiction to pain killers after an accident. It is a beautifully written and powerf…