Prescription Drugs Are Killing Twice as Many People via Overdose as Street Drugs

Question by bassdoc: Prescription drugs are killing twice as many people via overdose as street drugs
This is true in Miami, a city well known for illicit drugs, and certainly sure for the entire country probably at a higher rate.
What can we do to educate people that you cant drug yourself into health or happiness.
Heath Ledger is dead, and now they are question Mary Kate about where he got the drugs from. Should she be in prison.

Best answer:

Answer by “Big Guns Upstairs”
Goes to show that humans still find a way to kill themselves, no matter what you make illegal.

Answer by novice
Hispitals and prescription drugs come right after cancers and heart attacks/strokes. Wrongly filled prescriptions account for a high death rate—and believe it or not, so do hospitals.

I’ve personally gone through some serious interaction of drugs as well as side effects and decided about 2 years ago that I’ve had it with prescription drugs because ALL of them have some side effects, even creams and eye drops. I went on natural supplements and lo and behold–I’m back to perfect health…
I am not sure if education would help—for example, how many people realize that muscle relaxers can be addictive? And look at another issue: when you have major surgery, doctors turn to prescribing tons of pain killers freely. A supply of 30 Tylenol-3 for some minor back pain? As long as these doctors do not limit their prscribing and do so after a patient calls in–that long will you have prescription drug addiction…

Prescription drug addiction and abuse — Prescription drug addiction and abuse.