Gambling Addiction?

Question by MommaSchmitt: gambling addiction?
I need help, I have a gambling addiction, does anyone know of any on-line sites that would be helpful. I have been to gamblers anonymous sites, and basically, they confirm that I have an addiction. There are no gamblersanonymous meetings with-in a 2 to 3 hour ride from my home, so I was looking for some kind of on-line support. Any help is appreciated. Thank you

Best answer:

Answer by jon
HELP= go out and gamble and when you win stop. go home and have a party because you won. and you ‘ll never look back.

What do you think? Answer below!



Overcoming Gambling Addiction – This straight-talking, empowering video offers essential information on how problem gambling develops, its damaging impact on individuals and families, and how it can successfully be treated. Through candid first-hand accounts from four recovering gamblers, along with illuminating commentary from mental health experts, the program shows gamblers, their families, and therapists: how an alluring diversion becomes a shameful secret as problem gambling takes hold; common myths and misperceptions about gambling–and why ‘winning big’ is so unlikely; the benefits of individual and group therapy and self-help approaches; and ways to overcome setbacks in recovery and make meaningful, lasting changes.


Charges against State Sen. Brenda Council tied to gambling

Filed under: gambling addiction help

“I am truly sorry for my error and I apologize to my family, my contributors, my supporters and to the public,” she said, adding that she is getting professional treatment for “a gambling addiction.” Public problems with gambling are not new for …
Read more on Kearney Hub


Looking ahead: State Sen. admits gambling addiction; BPI to file defamation

Filed under: gambling addiction help

Looking ahead: State Sen. admits gambling addiction; BPI to file defamation lawsuit … The 2011 Goodfellows fund drive provided holiday meals to nearly 5,000 families and their children, and raised more than $ 500,000 to help families in crisis year round.
Read more on Omaha World-Herald


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[Mail List] Gambling: The Hidden Addiction: News from The Problem Gamblers Help: – by pgpolitics (PG Politics)


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[Mail List] Gambling: The Hidden Addiction: News from The Problem Gamblers Help: … Subject: Some data from WV… – by pgpoliticsx (PG Politics)


From Twitter:

[PG-Politics] Gambling: The Hidden Addiction: News from The Problem Gamblers Help Network,of West Virginia — Some data from WV… – by pgpoliticsx (PG Politics)