Can a Parent Have a Child (19) Involuntarily Commited to Drug Rehab in PA?

Question by : Can a parent have a child (19) involuntarily commited to drug rehab in PA?

Best answer:

Answer by Zach
Not unless a judge signs off on it and makes it a court order. When you are 19 you are legally an adult and parents have no control over you anymore.

What do you think? Answer below!



Find help with drug rehab centers Pennsylvania. – video – Find drug rehab centers outside of the Pennsylvania area. It is time for you to start down the road of therapy for drug addiction. Help yourself climb out of the dark depths of addiction and substance abuse. So if youre looking for drug rehab centers outside of the PA area, call 866 858-6003 today!


From Twitter:

RT @BenPark: @benpratershow @samdownie In fairness, it does have 11% of the country’s drug rehab beds: #JokesBasedO … – by benpratershow (Ben Prater)


From Twitter:

@benpratershow @samdownie In fairness, it does have 11% of the country’s drug rehab beds: #JokesBasedOnTruth – by BenPark (Ben Park)