Bentinho Massaro Pictures/quotes/videos


Bentinho Massaro pictures/quotes/videos – A heartfelt thank you to the shining light that is Bentinho Massaro. Much Love, Michael Jeffreys.


“Why did you shoot me? I was reading a book”: The new warrior cop is out of

Filed under: drug addiction quotes with pics for download

“The typical police raid of these games . . . is to literally burst into a home in SWAT gear with guns drawn and treat poker players like a bunch of high-level drug dealers,” an attorney representing poker players told a local newspaper. “Using the …
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The One Thing Everyone Should Do Before Entering a Relationship

Filed under: drug addiction quotes with pics for download

The problem is when you can't wait. Soon enough, you'll be in such a great place that you'll attract that partner. He/she will mirror your whole-iness, because you worked towards that, and in response, you attracted the same thing. So, toss the Band-Aids!
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